Exchange Dial Tone Restore

 Exchange Dialtone Restore .


1. User should be in Cache mode

2. The database failed

3. Create a new Folder under the MDBDATA location

4. Dismount all databases in the Storage Group

5. Copy the old db and all Log files to the new folder

6. Mount the Prod DB – Create new DB

7. Send e-mail to client to calm down

8. The Cache Mode client will receive a message stating (Work online Offline or Cancel)

9. Create an RSG using the ESM on the same disk as the Prod SG

10. Copy the Logs from the temp location to the RSG folder

11. Restore the DB from backup (Default to the RSG folder)

12. Mount the RSG Database

13. Dismount the RSG DB and the Prod DB

14. Swap the databases between the RSG and Prod ( You will need to change the DB files names)

15. Mark the box – This DB can be overridden by restore

16. Mount the Prod and RSG DB

17. Merge the RSG into Prod

18. Delete the RSG from ESM

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