Run Adprep /Rodcprep Error Message DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=UoDomainName,DC=Local
could not contact a replica for partition DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=UoDomainName,DC=Local
failed the operation on partition DC=DomainDnsZones,DC=UoDomainName,DC=Local
Adprep encountered an LDAP error Error code 0x0 Server extended error code 0x0 Server error
Adprep completed with errors Not all partitions are updated
Fix This Problem
Run Adsiedit.msc
Connect to the server which hold the infrastructure Role
Connect to CN=Configuration DC=<domain>DC=<suffix>
Expand CN=Sites -> CN=Site of the IM -> CN=Servers -> CN=Infrasturcte Master
Open the Properties of CN=NTDS Settings
Find DistinguishedName and copy the value
Run Adsiedit.msc
Connect to the server which hold the infrastructure Role
Connect to DC=ForestDnsZones,DC=<domain>,DC=<suffix>
Open the properties for the Infrastructure object
Check the fSMORoleOwner attribute
Specify an infrastructure role owner that is online for the partition. You can do this by manually modifying the fSMORoleOwner attribute on the object
Is Formatted And Change DomainDnsZone fSMORoleOwner
Connect to de Infrastructure Master IM and select DomainDnsZones
Change the fSMORoleOwner And Paste DistinguishedName Yo copy the value
And Change ForestDnsZone fSMORoleOwner
Connect to de Infrastructure Master IM and select ForestDnsZones
Change the fSMORoleOwner And Paste DistinguishedName Yo copy the value RedMor