Microsoft Exchange Server reported error 0x8004010F
Exchange Server reported error 0x8004010F is received when trying to send and receive email on Outlook 2000/2003 with Exchange Server 2003. It occurs when Outlook hasn’t synchronized the offline address book properly, or it has been corrupted or missing. If the OAB is missing, the server might be pointed to the wrong location of the …
Exchange System Manager for Windows Vista
Exchange System Manager for Exchange Server 2003 running on the Windows Vista operating system Download
Announcements ndr from the mail server and their interpretation
The recipient has exceeded their mailbox limit. It could also be that the delivery directory on the Virtual server has exceeded its limit. (Default 22 MB) Full Article
How to re-create STM File in Exchange 2000/2003
This knowledgebase provide information how to re-create the *.STM file in case you don’t have a valid backup
Run eseutil /p /createstm command to create of the *.STM file:
If the private mailbox store *.STM file may need to recreate, please use the following command:
eseutil /p /createstm "C:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\MDBDATA\priv1.edb"
If the public store *.STM file may need to recreate, please use the following command:
eseutil /p /createstm "C:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\MDBDATA\pub1.edb"
Microsoft Exchange Server SMTPDiag Tool
SmtpDiag is a troubleshooting tool designed to work directly on a Windows server with IIS/SMTP service enabled or with Exchange Server installed. Full Article
OWA Timeout
After enabling this feature you have a default setting of 10 minutes as the timeout value for a client session. Then you must re-logon to get a new cookie and new OWA access.