Group Policy Internet Explorer Security Zones

Group Policy Preferences Registry Items Create a new Group Policy Object and browse to User Configuration -> Preferences -> Windows Settings and Registry. Right click and choose new Registry Item. This is where you’re configure the sites, you will need 1 registry item per site Key path format is as follows: Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\ZoneMap\Domains\

The DNS server was unable to open Active Directory event id 4000

The DNS server was unable to open Active Directory event id 4000 FIX Run AS administrator to CMD the server Active Directory and change domain.LOCAL and change Domain\domain_admin netdom resetpwd /server:<PDC.yshvili.local> /userd:<yshvili\administrator> /passwordd:*

Backup and Restore of Share Permissions

To backup share permissions, export the Shares registry key. Open Regedit to the following location: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Shares Right-click the Shares registry key and select Export. When You want to restore it you can simple click the file you have exported    

Active Directory Certificate (AD CS)

If you want to view the configuration settings for the CA, which includes the type of information that is set by the CAPolicy.inf or afterward installation by running post configuration scripts, you can issue the following commands: certutil -dump certutil -getreg certutil -getreg CA We’ll run the following command accept it ertutil –config – -ping

CertSrv HTTP Error 500.19 Windows 2008 64 Bit

Fix The Problem We Started IIS Browsed to the Application Pools the application pool for the CRTSRV service had “Enable 32-Bit Applications” set to False   Done:-):-)

Advanced Group Policy Management (Agpm)

Advanced Group Policy Management.

AGPM Server 3.0 requires Windows Server 2008 or Windows Vista with Service Pack 1 and the GPMC from Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) installed. Both 32-bit and 64-bit versions are supported.

Before you install AGPM Server, you must be a member of the Domain Admins group and the following Windows features must be present unless otherwise noted:
